Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 6 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

  1. I am in Phi Sigma Rho, and I love love love it.
  2. I was born on September 23, 1991 at 723 PM
  3. Originally lived in Sheffield Lake, but we moved when I was 5 to Westlake on December 13, 1996
  4. I was given the Phi award from my sorority chapter, Which is the person who best exemplifies friendship.  Which I feel so honored.  Because I don't think I did that much.  But I keep relearning that you never know the impact of of the little things you do.
  5. In High school, I was apart of a competition where we had to design and build a model of a home while using certain specifications. Which is really cool to say.
  6. On pottormore I was classified as a Hufflepuff. 
  7. to come up with all these facts, i googled and learned about all these other people. 
  8. My girl crush is Mila Kunis.  I think she's the greatest and I'd definitely............yeahhh  ;)
  9. The majority of my friends go to school in Dayton. 
  10. I miss them so much every day, and I don't really think they understand how much I miss them and wish I could be with them. 
  11. I used to play the clarinet and piano. I want to get back into it.  But hello college...
  12. I'm majoring in Chemical Engineering.  Currently.  I keep having doubts.  We shall see.
  13. I really like when it rains and snows.  I wish it was doing something like that the majority of the time.  It somehow just makes me happy.
  14. I don't like to shower.  I like being clean... but not the shower to get clean. or a bath.
  15. I am truly an introvert, but very few of my friends would believe that.  Because I can fake it.  which is a skill.  
  16. I love receiving mail.  its the best thing ever.
  17. I  like having arguments/discussions  with people.  they're my favorite.  It gives a purpose to talk.  And i like bantering. :) as some people reallyyy know.
  18. My favorite quote is, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."  - Dr. Seuss.      - Bernard Baruch  (holy crap!  Who knew that a stock guy said that!??!)
    Which you definitely have to follow that.  or else what are you going to  do?
  19. I wish I had a core group of friends who always did things together.  I think it would be awesome. To just be able to say, what are we doing tonight and not have to worry that its awkward that you are joining them.
  20. I am terrible at communicating with people who don't know me well.  I have a weird thought process, im comparison to a normal person.  My friends can understand what I was thinking. easier.
  21. I am great at being socially awkward.  And I'm ok with it.  It's almost fun i guess.  Because I'm just being myself.  
  22. I'm terribly too trusting.  
  23. My volume of of the tv has to be a multiple of five. 
  24. I don't dream when i sleep
  25. I always sleep on my side and don't move when I sleep.  
  26. I am super observant in comparison to people i've dealt with.
  27. I have a very high level of anxiety.
  28. My favorite ice cream is Coffee.  i loveeeeeeeee it.
  29. My friends got me Henrick.  I love him soo much.  It means so much to me.  (again, the little things are what matter)
  30. I love solving other's problems, but I dont' like to solve my own, and i either don't have the availability for my friends to talk about my issues, or i'm not comfortable to do that yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Update:

    12. Now I am more sure, but not completely 100% this is what I wish to do forever
    19. I am beginning to think more before I talk, So thats making me sound better thought out and more logical
    27. I am getting help with my Anxiety. :) So that's a lot better. I am seriously Considering donating blood because the needles aren't completely so terribly scary
    29. Thank you so much for Henrick again! I love him! :)
    30. I am getting help, and I am actually really working at solving my own problems. :) So that is some excellent progress!
