Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fun Things to do With MatLab

I am terribly sorry for being such a terrible blogger as of late.  Though my coursework shows that it was a good decision in my life. There is still three more tests to come and a quiz in the next week and a half, but I will get this stuff done.  It appears as if it will become easier and easier as time goes on.

Thankfully today has been a very boring day in my classes.  One in particular.  
Linear Algebra.
We were 'learning' how to code in MatLab from our professor.  We are concentrating on utilizing the program with matrices.  Of which I often do in one of my other courses.  So I was very familiar with what he was teaching us. The professor is a fun person, we goof around and joke.  He's one of the youngest professors.... He's not a doctor which is quite the anomaly in the engineering department. he told us about this fun thing you can type in the command window.  'why'.  Let me tell you.  It is a lot of fun.  A good answer to the question why.  After this fact, I began to research other fun things to do.  Here is a list of fun things to type into the command window of MatLab!

  • image
  • why
  • spy
  • life
  • penny
  • shower
  • Type on the first line 'load handel' then press enter. 
    On the second line type 'sound(y,Fs)'
    Make sure your speakers are on!!!!  :D  enjoy!!!
  • step
  •  impulse
  • surf(membrane)
  • imagesc(cool)
  • imagesc(hot)
  • logo
  • xpbombs
  • fifteen
Hope you enjoy these fun little tricks!  :)  May it make your class-time more enjoyable!

 photo lydsawkwardlifegmailcom-09_zpscb920196.png


  1. Hey Lydia,
    Thanks for this post. MATLAB is fun.

  2. The font you are using is terrible!!!

    Commands are quite cool though :D
