Another Thursday, Another wonderful Link up with Natalie over at A Moment of Wonderful. (if you haven't checked her out, you should. I love reading her posts. They're positive and welcoming.)
I havn't posted since last Thursday, and even then I said I was going to try to write something every day. But that did not work out. I got caught up with school and such.
But you know what?
That is perfectly ok. As long as I continue doing this once a week (thankful Thursday) That is good enough. :)
So, here we go!
- My cousins. Not only are they wonderful people, but my Cousin Tom bought a house from the bank........A foreclosed home! (I hope I spelled that right..) But he's fixing it up and making it his. I've been helping out a bit. And its a good learning experience for me if/when I buy a home. The different Issues that have arisen and how to deal with them. Along with learning some skills. It's been good.
- My Classmates. They are very kind, and helpful, and supportive. I probably would have failed this past homework assignment if it wasn't for them.
- Phones. Good for talking on. And texting. And texting in class and joking around! and games. And Internet. And pictures. And annoying people. and keeping in contact.
- Matt. I don't know why he is still friends with me. I often thank God for somehow making him put up with me. and all my dumb-ness. And sillyness. and ridiculousness.
- The internet. It's a good place to share my thoughts and feelings. And find funny things. And answers to my really dumb questions about my homework.
- You. Thank you for reading this!
- Farmers Markets. A great place to get a good lunch for
- High school friends. I had the pleasure of catching up with my friend Jenna yesterday, so hopefully we will be seeing more of each other!
- Hospitals and good Nurses, and other staff members. My dad is currently undergoing his last round of Chemo! And without the wonderful people who helped him, and the nurses who talked to him every day and took care of him. (I will talk more about him another post)
I hope everyone is having a good week! :)
Thanks again for linking up! You are the sweetest! And I hear you on the phone! I about died when mine suddenly stopped working yesterday!