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Top 10 Tech Concepts You Always Wanted To Learn About (But Never Did)
We're busy people, and even the most savvy
of us sometimes just don't have the time to learn about every odd and
end in the tech world. Here are some of our favorite tech explainers on
things you probably hear a lot about, but never really knew.
10. Net Neutrality

a subject that only crops up from time to time—usually when new
legislation is being pushed through or a tech company has done something
really stupid—but it's an important thing to know about in today's age
of ubiquitous internet. If you still aren't sure what net neutrality
is—or even if you have a rough idea but aren't an expert—check out our
introduction to net neutrality and what it means for you.
9. The Windows Registry

Windows users know of the fabled registry, though fear it because of
its cryptic (and powerful) nature. However, for those that understand
how it works, it can be an invaluable tool. Check out our
explainer and mythbuster on the Windows registry, and then be sure to check out our
top 10 favorite registry tweaks to really make it work for you.
8. Android Task Killers

task killers were useful tools back in the very early days of Android,
but nowadays they actually do more harm than good—yet cellphone
manufacturers still recommend them to new users all the time. Read up on
what Android task killers actually do, and why you shouldn't use them on your phone.
You might be surprised at what you find. Android isn't perfect, but
traditional Task Killers aren't the answer (though we list some
alternative tools that
will help you in that explainer).
7. SSL Encryption (Also Known as HTTPS)

You've probably noticed that some sites use
instead of
in their web addresses, but maybe you don't know what that actually
means. Maybe you know that it encrypts your data for better security,
but you don't really know what it's protecting you
from. Either way, read up on
what HTTPS is and why you should care about it on sites like Facebook, and once you do, be sure to check out browser extensions like
HTTPS everywhere to get it enabled on as many sites as possible.
6. What "4G" Really Means

new "4G" phenomenon that's sweeping the nation is full of hype, but not
very much real info. No one really says what 4G is or how fast it
actually is—they just tell you it's something you want. We've talked about
everything you need to know about 4G, including
whether it's worth upgrading your phone for. Even if you thought you understood the basics behind 4G, you might be surprised at what you find.
5. The Difference Between Lossless and Lossy Music

may or may not think a lot about the "bitrate" of your music, but the
argument of whether bitrate actually matters has raged for quite a
while. We break down
exactly what bitrate means,
how lossless music compares to "lossy" music, and whether it's
something you should worry about. If you decide lossless music might be
for you, you might also want to check out our guide to
managing multiple music libraries, which can be a great help to those with both high- and low-bitrate files.
4. 64-Bit vs. 32-Bit Operating Systems

you've reinstalled Windows or Linux anytime recently, you were likely
given the option to choose between 64-bit and 32-bit versions. In a
nutshell, if you have 4GB of RAM or more, you'll want to go 64-bit—but
if you want to know
why this is the case, check out
our guide to 64-bit vs. 32-bit operating systems. And, if you aren't sure whether you even
need more than 4GB of RAM,
we've got you covered with an answer there too.
3. Proper Windows Maintenance

maintenance myths have been around since what seems like the beginning
of time, which can leave you very confused as to what you
actually need to do to your computer to keep it running in tip top shape. We've mentioned a few of the
most important maintenance tasks you should perform, as well as
some of the myths that might seem good, but can actually slow you down. Peruse our
Hive Five on the best all-in-one Windows tools, while you're at it. When you're done reading, you should know enough that you'll
never have to reinstall Windows from scratch ever again.
2. Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Malware

malware: it's a burden many Windows users have to shoulder, yet
something most of them know nothing at all about. If that sounds like
you (or someone you know), we recommend
learning the difference between viruses, trojans, worms, and other malware to get a better idea of what you're up against. You'll also want to check out
these nine common myths and misconceptions about viruses, and then get yourself some good antivirus protection (which you
shouldn't need to pay for since Microsoft's tools are good enough).
1. Wi-Fi and Networking

the internet as ubiquitous as it is today, networking is an essential
part of any computer user's setup, yet so many of us are completely lost
when we actually have to configure the networks in our home. We've gone
through everything you need to know about routers, Wi-Fi performance,
and making the most our of your network in our
"Know Your Network" night school, so you'll never be puzzled by that router configuration page ever again. While you're at it, you might want to check out the
many things that can lead to bad Wi-Fi coverage and how to fix them—you'll be glad you did.
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