So I unlock my phone
and see who called me.
It’s my freakin’,as Mara calls him, Lover boy. His name is
mani. Let me tell you about him.
The previous Monday, the fifth of march, I was walking back
from Fluids to my car. On the way to my
car, when I park in S1 I have to pass by the parking attendant because they
have a construction fence around any
other normal rout to get out, without adding literally 10 extra block lengths
to your walk.
So I walk by the booth . He starts talking to me, and dumb
me isn’t listening so I’m like, “What? Hello.”
“Hi. I wanted to ask ou earlier for your number but I didn’t
get the chance.”
“you want my number?”
(I’m thinking, ‘………..he wants my number? Is he for real? What? Is this
really happening?’)
“yes I would like your number.”
“oh. Ok.” I start giving it, naturally he’s like wait! I need a sec to pull it up on my phone. Give him my number.
“you are single right?”
“do you go here? “
“yeah I do. “ no I just like to randomly park in a school
parking lot and carry books and around for fun.
“oh I do too. What are you studying? “
‘I’m majoring in chemical engineering”
“Ok. I’ve gotton my
bachelors in [some engineering thing I forgot what specifically] and am getting
my masters in [some other type of engineering].”
“oh wow how cool!” that’s pretty awesome
“yeah. Right now I am
co-oping with Sherwin Williams right now.
This is my second co-op. Where do you live?”
Westlake’s a big
place. I can say Westlake. “over in westlake.”
“oh I work there! “
“Yeah, that’s where Sherwin Williams is.”
“no, I work at my uncles gas station there. “
……….shit shit shit
shit shit shit…… “oh how cool” I am never going into a gas station besides
getgo and circle k now…. Damn it….
“well I gotta go”
“talk to you later”
Upon arriving at my car
at 107 he texts me, “hey this is mani”
reasonable, now I know what his
number is. He knows I am going to be driving now, I won’t text him right this
[now I will
recount the rest of the texting bold is him. Regular is me. Italics is thoughts]
117: hellooo wow….
Really? You know I’m driving home or away at least right now.
143: hey. I was dirivng home
144: That’s ok
Lol I forgot to ask
ur name babe
Really? You forgot my name already? How many girls have you been talking to this
past hour?
147:Its Lydia.
148: Wow typical name
Wer r u from?
name?!? WHAT! I do not have a typical
name! How many times do you hear the name Lydia? Like never. Really? You just called my name typical. Wow.
And why can’t you text? I know
you’re from far away, but really? How is
it cool to type like this. I do not understand.
This does not compute. I’m not
going to text for a while.
148: Which country r
u from?
Are you for real? What kind of a question is that? Why would you assume that I’m from somewhere
154: I’m from America.
155: lol ok but ur
name sounds Russian
Anyways I m from
Oh cool. That’s kinda
nice he thinks I’m from Russia. Russia
is cool.
158: Oh how cool
159: Hw old r u ?
Not unreasonable, I was
kinda wondering how old he was too. But I’m still going to make him wait for my
212: I’m 20.
Wow a pause before he
responds. That’s pretty awesome. Mixing it
217: Thad cool
I m 22
really? You can’t
218: That’s*
There we go.
That’s all I have to
say. He’s kinda weird so imam let this
simmer out.
229: U r so beautiful
, gorgeous and pretty girl.
What the hell? What do
I say to that?!?
*I rack my head for
another thing to say besides thank you. I
can’t come up with anything*
241: Thank you
Well. At least I responded. That’s just a mildly creepy thing to say to
someone who you barely know.
242: hey I want to
hangout with u
May b for a movie or
a dinner or for a drink.
Ur choice.
I just told you I was
20. I can’t meet you up for a drink dummy.
I don’t think I really want to meet up with him. I like someone a lot more decisive.
243: I like u and u r
on my mind now
That just went off the scale on the creep-o-meter. We’re definitely done now. Sorry dude, your ship has sailed and will
never dock again.
456: Hey u did not
no shit Sherlock. You were creepy, that results in no response from
614: Busy?
Not in the slightest…
just sitting around. But im not going to tell you that! You lost the privilege of being able to get a
response from me.
So that’s the conversation from that Monday.
854: hello Munna :)
What the hell is
munna? I don’t want to text you
too. Maybe it’s an Indian nickname for
*googles munna….*
Pokemon reference. What. A fucking pokemon is what you’re
calling me?!? Really? REALLY. Really? Wow. No. door has been locked now.
1109: heyyy Munna :)
Nope definitely no
longer going to ever contact you in any way shape or form. You lose.
That's my creep. The parking lot attendant of S1.
So this morning at 524 in the morning he called me. Didn’t leave me a message, nor did he text me
(thank goodness.) So I’m super creeped
out, and I have to shower and get ready.
Instead of going to
the zoo as I originally planned (because I get in free on Mondays), due to the rain, I ended up going to my church
and helped make the bread we use during church.
It was fun. Talked to a lot of people. Met some new ones. Got to catch a lot of people up on my dad it
seemed. I also at the end ended up
talking, well better said that I was listening to him talk, about his wife who
recently passed that past Saturday. He
was saying how he has seen limbs severed and people run over in the war, but he
never saw anything as awful looking as the condition he found his wife in. Which is pretty terrible. And he went on and on about all these
stories, which were super cute and so sad.
Here are a few:
He was
saying how the previous day (Sunday) he went out and got the paper and saw her
car in the driveway and was excited that she was home. And he went in and started looking for
her. But he then realized she wasn’t
there. :’(
would never go into her purse. He would
always bring her her purse if he needed anything out of it, or if she told him
to get something out of it, he still would not go in it. The first time he went into it, was to get
her drivers license when the coroner came.
He also
would always fill up her gas, so she never had to do that –ever.
How cute were the last two stories? (minus the sadness.)
So after listening to
him for 45 minutes, I ended up leaving because I needed to leave.
Upon arriving home, I watched a strange movie called I want
candy. It’s a raunchy movie, which I am
apparently partial to. They’re just so
much fun to watch.
Then It was time to fetch Jack. When I was about to pull into the high
school, there was a stupid cop sitting in the driveway to stop people from
pulling into to the high school lot.
They don’t let anyone in there utnill about 315 to “protect” the handicap
kids while they get on the bus. Which I don’t
get because they leave by 300 at the latest on the bus. So I ended up pulling into city hall to fetch
him. It worked out perfectly that as I
pulled up, he was walking out of the building.
I got home, and ended up talking to Mara about what Mani did
that morning. She suggested blocking
him. Which You can’t actually block
someone with Verizon, but there’s a cool 90 day block thing you can do. Which I did to him. Hopefully in three months he forgets about
me. Cuz I totally miss parking in S1.
I began watching star trek, the original series. It’s pretty good. But I only watched like 9 episodes so
far. There are wayyy too many movies to
watch out there! And you have to pay
attention more during Star Trek episodes. They were watched while I was sitting
in my family room with my family.
During that time, I finished formatting the sex laws, then printed them
out and folded and glued them and added fun facts to the back cover. Then I colored 8 (her favorite number)
pictures. All the while, I was taunting
mara about how she would slap herself when she saw what I was sending Kristen,
because she wanted it for when she travels and has all the sex. Lol. Once
I finished, it was super late and I ended up going to bed.
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