Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 18 - Your beliefs

So I was debating about changing what I would write abut this day into something easier.  Because, well,  who doesn't like it when something is easy? But I looked up belief on, and this is the definition:

Belief (noun) - 1. something believed; an opinion or conviction
2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof
3. confidence; faith; trust
4. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith

In trying to figure out how to write this, i think a list would be the easiest way to do it.  I may add to this over time.  It might not be super deep, but hey.  I'm struggling to keep afloat in the sea of life, and this is what I got.

I believe...
  • In Magic
  • In Love
  • Friendship isn't about keeping track of who does what for each other, its just so that you're there for your friends
  •  True friends are the ones who matter the most
  • Everyone needs help sometimes, and God will make sure you learn how to accept help
  • In God
  • In Fairy Tales
  • Everything happens for a reason.  no matter how horrible it may be, there's a reason.  You just don't know why yet.
  • Everything has some sort of beauty to it.
  • In Mythological creatures
  • That evolution and the seven days are one in the same theory,  people are just too pigheaded to realize it.
  • That everyone judges everyone.  But its you do with that judgement that matters. For example, I like to judge.  But I will still talk to you, even if I am usually right about 95% of the time.  Because who knows what will really happen.
  • In being loyal and honest to those who matter
  •  In making he best of things
  • In treating others the way you want to be treated
  • That those long conversations that last all night are some of the best things.  Where you are completely honest with the other person and you really get to know them.
  • There's always room for ice cream... Especially coffee. :)
  • In sarcasm. It is truly a marvelous thing
  • It doesn't matter what religion, faith, whatever you are as long as you believe in something larger than you that you have to report to.
  • All problems are solvable, sometimes we just don't want to face the answers

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