On Pinterest, I found this lovely idea of turning old tee-shirts into a headband!
The twists and turns of an unique life.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Movie Projector
The other night, my family was outside sitting around the fire. My mom mentioned watching a movie.
We started talking about where would be a good place to hang a sheet. I suggested the playset, because we wouldn't have to move and could still sit around the fire My mom suggested the house because its flat and you can then lay in the grass.
Wait a minute. Before we can even decide to watch a movie outside, we need a way to watch a movie!
Aka a projector.
We have a overhead projector, like you would use in high school.
Then that brought me back to my freshman year in college when i visited someone's house and we watched a movie through some projector one of the guy's had made. I asked my Big, Candice, if she knew anything about it (she is dating one of the guys who lived in that house). She didn't. Only that one of the guys made it.
So what do I consult to figure out how to make one.... Google of course!
Turns out, its not that hard to do overall. I found this video on youtube, and they explain what you have to do. It is something doable, and I plan on doing it... someday... I just need a spare lcd moniter (or two) that don't matter if they get taken apart.
Until Next Time!
Lazy Girl Fitness
So I'm trying to become a better person, inside and out. So one of these things I am trying to do is be more fit. So Ive been doing some more exercises, and going on bike rides and walks.
I have found Violet Sage on wordpress, who has these lovely lazy girl fitness tips. They were simple, easy to do, and can be easily added into your routine.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
April Fools Day Ideas
In all my blog stalking, I have come across this loverly post!
It has 33 wonderful April Fool's Day Idea's that I might implement... or maybe I won't. We shall see! But i figured you might want to read it now and save them in your noggin for next year.
Or you can come and visit this (and Lady Create-a-lot's) blog post!
I Won!
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, and just thinking about what I want this blog to be. I have looked at a lot of blogs. I think in the past week I have doubled the blogs I have followed.
There are some people that I really like to follow. Like Melissa at 20 Going on 80. She has a lot of fun things to do, and you feel like you can really relate to her.
She has a lot of giveaways. One of which I actually commented on the post, which was how you entered that raffle. And I ended up winning! I kept rereading this post, not believing what I was seeing!
So I won one of the cards mentioned in this post, and went to the etsy (et-see, not eat-see), and mentioned that this card was the one I liked the most.
And I won! Thank you once again Melissa for choosing me! :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Let me brag a minute... about my hamburger
So I really really hate touching raw meat.
So much.
I always would wear gloves or somehow not touch it using forks, or tongs.
But my mother made a homemade hamburger using beef and just threw in steak seasoning and garlic salt. and OH MY GOODNESS. It tastes amazing. I don't even need to use ketchup. It is that good and flavorful. And its always so moist. I love it.
So the first time I willing touched raw meat was when I mixed up the meat for this burger.
And may I say, it was so fantastic. I am so proud of myself. : )
Definitely will be making these for the rest of my life. I like it that much.
I decorated... A Vase!
So for my friend, Hannah's 21st Birthday, we went to this place where you paint pottery.
I chose to paint a vase I initially intended to put my bamboo plant... which I will tell you about in another post. But I painted this with hearts and swirls and the little grey-ish blobs you can see are actually stars.

If you look at it, you notice there is some white substance in the vase. It is rice. I actually ended up using for a candle stand. It was getting too hard to tell when the plant needed watered. So I switched to a see thru glass.

An idea that was posed to us whilst painting our respective items, was to date the item on the bottom so that we could remember when we actually made the item. Which, as you can tell, I did.
Also, you can see how I like to sign my initials. That's kinda how I always do it now. Because its so friggin awesome. : )
p.s. LOOK! A DIME!
(to text mara I found a dime... or not to text mara I found a dime.... its technically in my room.... but i still found it... hmmm)
I chose to paint a vase I initially intended to put my bamboo plant... which I will tell you about in another post. But I painted this with hearts and swirls and the little grey-ish blobs you can see are actually stars.
If you look at it, you notice there is some white substance in the vase. It is rice. I actually ended up using for a candle stand. It was getting too hard to tell when the plant needed watered. So I switched to a see thru glass.
An idea that was posed to us whilst painting our respective items, was to date the item on the bottom so that we could remember when we actually made the item. Which, as you can tell, I did.
Also, you can see how I like to sign my initials. That's kinda how I always do it now. Because its so friggin awesome. : )
p.s. LOOK! A DIME!
(to text mara I found a dime... or not to text mara I found a dime.... its technically in my room.... but i still found it... hmmm)
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Currently my favorite meme is...
But really. My favorite is the guy saying ALL THE [insert something].
We will have ALL THE FUN!
you will read ALL MY POSTS!
jk.... no you won't. :)
or you might.
if you want to, you're more than welcome to
Watch ALL THE MOVIES [that's at you @lightandscreen ] [follow her on twitter! she reviews movies]
Basically it can be used in any situation.
Going to the mall? Visit ALL THE STORES!
Looking at your old pokemon cards? Collect ALL THE CARDS!
Playing the old pokemon video game? Gotta catch ALL THE POKEMON!
Going to the phone store? Play with ALL THE PHONES!
Going to the beach? Judge ALL THE PEOPLE!
Cleaning your house? Get rid of ALL THE DIRT!
Going out tonight? Have ALL THE FUN!
I can literally do it with any situation. Feel free to comment anything you doubt i can make into this meme. ;)
Keep it real my friends. till the end. [that's how I still make sure I spell friend correctly. FYI.]
weee!! 99 days left.... until i can try ALL THE DRINKS! ;)
Friday, June 15, 2012
ONLY 100 DAYS LEFT UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
times infinity.
That is how to accurately describe how excited I am for my Birthday .
Then I will finally be the big 2-1!
...and you know what that means...
Yay! I can finally drink and go out to ALL THE BARS!
Additionally this is posted at the time was born. Just a simple fun fact.
Day 22 - How have you changed in the past 2 years?
Wow this post took me forever to
actually put it out. But better late than never. :)
How have I changed in the past two years?
Let’s make a list, because lists are
so much easier.
- Schools
- I transferred from UD to CSU.
- Hair style
- Finally got a different haircut since the fifth grade.... and that was only in last October!
- Temperament
- I can be more outgoing, and I talk about my feelings a bit more... which is still basically nothing. I am not great at communicating my feelings.
- I tend to get angry more easily. But I am great at hiding it.
- Friends
- Totally have changed my friends. Not necessarily all the people. But have gotten better with how I relate and know who I can trust.
- Patience
- Now I am a wee bit more patient, what with everything going on with my dad it’s something I have just had to learn.
- Dealing with friends
- I used to think that once a friend always a friend, but I have came to realize that some friendships aren't always worth keeping. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on with your life.
- Family Situation
- My dad was diagnosed with cancer. And that's a huge change in my life.
- my sister went to OSU
- My brother actually talks now. It’s weird. and annoying
And that is how I have changed
in the past two years, in a quick bullet point form.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days
Well. I figured now was a good as a time as any to state what my goal for the next 30 days are.
- Keep getting better
- Handle things in a calmer fashion
- Keep on blogging. At least once a week, if not more. :) so far I am doing good. I have it so it looks like I am posting twice a day. Which is pretty awesome.
So those are my goals for the next 30 days. :)
Who you gonna call?
Ghost Busters!
Last Thursday Night, in a local shopping center they played Ghost Busters on a big, blow up screen.

Above is a [bad] picture of the ghoast busters

and this picture above is an upside down picture of the keymaster, and the gate keeper. [so sexual....]
But it was a fun time and we(Emma, Cass, and I) thoroughly enjoyed it.
Maybe we will go tonight! :D
Last Thursday Night, in a local shopping center they played Ghost Busters on a big, blow up screen.
Above is a [bad] picture of the ghoast busters
and this picture above is an upside down picture of the keymaster, and the gate keeper. [so sexual....]
But it was a fun time and we(Emma, Cass, and I) thoroughly enjoyed it.
Maybe we will go tonight! :D
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Quote I Try to live by
So I forget if I have told you blog readers what my favorite quote is.
But If I haven't, it is:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
This was said by the great Dr Seuss.
Basically what I take it as, is be who you are. No matter what. People will love you or hate you for who you are, and if they really matter, they won't care.
I was so annoyed when i found out this wasn't my senior year quote. :(
I did, you don't know what you have until its gone.
womp. :(
But I definitely love me the Dr. Seuss. He's the boss.
Dr Seuss didn't say that :'''''(
Some other guy named Bernard Baruch said it. Still love that quote though.
Dr Seuss didn't say that :'''''(
Some other guy named Bernard Baruch said it. Still love that quote though.
Grad Party Season Begins...
So about a week ago was my first grad parties of the season. And it was my freshman's grad party [he's all grown up... saddness]. We were chilling outside and just doing our thing, when we saw a toad in the road! and I found it and picked it up. :)

As you can see, it was huge! and everyone thought it was gross. But I think it was cute.
Hope everyone is having an awesome summer!
As you can see, it was huge! and everyone thought it was gross. But I think it was cute.
Hope everyone is having an awesome summer!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Screenshot of My Desktop
So one of the things on my list of suggestions of possible blog topics, is doing a screenshot of my desktop. which let me tell you, my desktop is super duper exciting.
So you can see in the top center you have your internet browsers (I have a couple in case something goes wrong, or doesn't work on a particular browser)
On the left i have iTunes, a video player (the safety cone), and two picture folders.
Then I have my recycling bin, a program that gets rid of temporary data that can build up and a antivirus program I found that I really like.
Then all the folders are again filled with pictures too.
Super exciting, I know.
Oh! I have a grey background, because it is simple and boring. I used to have these quotes and pictures do a slideshow.... but i thought that was weird when i opened my computer up in class. I felt like everyone was judging me.
haha.... if you look closely you can see that I took this screenshot a little less than a day I had this posted. This is because I started to write a bunch of posts, and it would be weird if i posted like 5 at once. So i have them delayed out over a few days. Hope you don't mind too much! :)
Here's to lookin at you
Dear boy,
I hope you know how much you have helped me through
Divorce, arguments with parents, and everything else.
Sincerely, you don't have to be perfect to be mine.
That DBPB, is dedicated to the boy who is always there for me and will be my friend forever. :)
Where Do I Get My Idea's of What to Blog About?
When I initially began doing this
blog, I wrote about whatever was on my mind, and I seem kinda obsessive and
self absorbed. Which, in a blog about me and my life, is ok. Especially
since I am rarely self absorbed in real life.
But for a while I wanted to figure
out what should I write about? Because sometimes having some structure or
an idea of what to write makes writing oh so much easier.
But I looked up 30 day challenges as
a good solid platform to blog for 30 days.
( I have yet to actually complete my 30 day challenge….whoops). I initially
saw one on pinterest and after looking thru many different types of 30 day
challenges, I thought that one to be the best.
Because I had already looked thru a bunch of other challenges, I started
typing all the categories that seemed like a good idea to write about into an
excel file. So now I have a file that
has over 300 ideas of what to write about (it’s like water, water everywhere
but not a drop to drink).
This past round of me looking for
ideas resulted in me google-ing for lists of ideas to blog. I also have looked up get to know you
questions, a lot of which people made lists for their first date.
I have also found this site that
generates random post ideas.
So that is how I find ideas of what
to write about…. Well besides the ideas that pop up in between my ears. ;)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Dear [to whom it may concern],
I know it is terribly hard to load the dishwasher. To have so much space wasted and not fit everything into the dishwasher is common. But really, you can try to make it all fit. Then there would be more clean dishes.
And even if you cant fit everything in the dishwasher, that's cool man. I get it. We all aren't all bosses at Tetris. I feel that. But if you have it loaded to the best of your ability, and you don't think anything else would fit... what would be the ideal thing to do?
....gosh i don't know....
....this is super tough....
oh! I know!
We should start the dishwasher so the dishes become clean!
What a novel idea. Wish I thought of that.... oh wait! I did!
So next time, you better friggin start that dishwasher once you load it.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Transit of Venus!
So today the transit of Venus Occurred.
This is a picture I took of the Sun with Venus crossing it. It is a picture thru a telescope, projected onto a white piece of cardboard. Basically a large shoebox project.
They were also passing out free polarized sun viewers. It was super cool. I was so excited to see it. :) it was super exciting. I can't put it any other way.
This is a picture I took of the Sun with Venus crossing it. It is a picture thru a telescope, projected onto a white piece of cardboard. Basically a large shoebox project.
They were also passing out free polarized sun viewers. It was super cool. I was so excited to see it. :) it was super exciting. I can't put it any other way.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Now it lives (well, its dead) on our kitchen table with a cotton ball full of rubbing alcohol to make sure something else microscopic cannot eat it.
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