When I initially began doing this
blog, I wrote about whatever was on my mind, and I seem kinda obsessive and
self absorbed. Which, in a blog about me and my life, is ok. Especially
since I am rarely self absorbed in real life.
But for a while I wanted to figure
out what should I write about? Because sometimes having some structure or
an idea of what to write makes writing oh so much easier.
But I looked up 30 day challenges as
a good solid platform to blog for 30 days.
( I have yet to actually complete my 30 day challenge….whoops). I initially
saw one on pinterest and after looking thru many different types of 30 day
challenges, I thought that one to be the best.
Because I had already looked thru a bunch of other challenges, I started
typing all the categories that seemed like a good idea to write about into an
excel file. So now I have a file that
has over 300 ideas of what to write about (it’s like water, water everywhere
but not a drop to drink).
This past round of me looking for
ideas resulted in me google-ing for lists of ideas to blog. I also have looked up get to know you
questions, a lot of which people made lists for their first date.
I have also found this site that
generates random post ideas.
So that is how I find ideas of what
to write about…. Well besides the ideas that pop up in between my ears. ;)
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