Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Well,  Unfortunetly I did not post again yesterday.  :/  Oh well.  

Buttttt........  It's thankful Thursday!  Yay!

I made a list yesterday in class of what I am thankful for, because I really did have some time to think then.  

  • A good adviser who makes exceptions for me,  and didn't completely blow me off.
  • my parents who help me out when i'm in trouble and put up with me, even when i'm near impossible to deal with
  • My Peers.  They are really kind, and helpful.  and so far seem to be accepting of me. :) Even when I text them dumb things,  or send a bad email,  or am way to open right off the back
  • Becky - She's the secretary of the department, and thanks to her being calm and understanding, I don't think I could have made it thru my first day without crying.   So she was a huge help
  • Meds -  they help keep things in perspective and help me flying off the crazy end of the pool.  
  • Internet - I love being able to access all the information I need whenever I want to.  Well,  information and gossip, and friends info, and garbage... :)
  • Movies - They are so entertaining!
  • Habitat for Humanity - not only do they rebuild houses, but they also have stores where they sell other people's stuff!  It's like goodwill,  but for Habitat!  I also got a pretty awesome chair from there.  I'll show you a picture soon!
  • The Chemical Engineering Department - Everyone seems kind.  And appear patient,  even if they really are thinking that I am a complete idiot.
  • Cheap international editions of books - Is where I have gotten the majority of my books from this semester (three out of the four).  Instead of paying a god aweful amount at the book store (over 250) I paid 60 with the cost of shipping.  :)  so yay!
  • Laminating paper - for keeping my paperback textbooks nice and pretty.  along with my pretty binder.  :)
  • Cell Phones - what would we do with out them?
  • Libraries - great place to get movies.... and study  ;)
  • Solution manuels - 'nuff said. 
  • Tuesday and Thursdays - because only having one class each day that meets occasionally is super awesome. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hump Day!!

Hurray!  I made it halfway thru the first week!!!


It's going quite nicely I should say.  I am making friends,  kinda.  I think I am.  i hope so.   :)  

One of the girls was saying people have already decided on their groups for a project that we won't have until the end of the semester.  Which I think is a little silly.  But what do I know?  So Tiesha suggested maybe seeing if Danielle (a girl i have all my classes with)  was available.   this is just so early.... But I can see why.

but thats just kinda stressful.  Whatever.

But the majority of the kids in my Thermo class are all in my transport class.  Which is kind of cool.  :)

Then Danielle is also in my physics class.  So yay!  I know someone!

well. This is all for now.  :)  I will probably post  at least once more, if not twice.  yay!

Later gators!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Last Friday Night...

Last Friday night... aka last night...  Was my high schools first football game of the season!

I helped my dad get ice from a Hall near our house so that we can ice down the drinks for the band. 

He went to the high school to ice the drinks,  and I went home.  I watched a bit of a movie, and then left shortly after my mother and brother left.  Upon arrival,  I ended up helping out in the concession booth:  installing the brackets into the coke machine,  opening candy packets,  and moving different stuff.  ;0

Once enough people were there,  I left because I didn't want to get trapped doing the jobs inside  of the booth for the whole game.  I wandered around a bit.

Eventually I changed into some jeans instead of wearing my junky short shorts,  so i looked more like a real person.  The band marched into the field,  and went thru the parent parade.  It was cute.  The parents and family lined up alongside where they would walk and clap and holler when they enter the.. arena?

the game started,  going well.  I helped out a bit.  Talked to some different people.

Half time Rocked.  The band sounded amazing.  per usual.  :)

I eventually tried to explain to my uncle this meme:

I mean,  this is referencing the lion king.  Clearly.  Who doesn't know that?!?

But Trying to explain it to my Uncle Dave....   I felt like this:

He just didn't understand.... it was so annoying!!!

Then I went home after the game and watched a couple movies.  chilled out.  Half slept a long while.  So.  That was funnish.  :)

Wow. &&&& POST #100 WHEEE

So today while I was driving to school,  I was behind a Toyota Prius during the 90 split that had this lovely license plate.

And mind you I do know that Prius's  are supposed to have good mileage,  and usually do,  but really?

I edited out all the things that might make it easier to figure out... trying to be considerate I suppose.  

But the liscence plate is what I want to show you.  Really.  that is what you choose to put as your plate.  You can personalize it however you wish to,  and you choose that.  



(just thought of Seth and Amy from SNL doing their really segment when i did that. :)  )

If you don't know what I am talking about,  here is a link to it!

sorry,  they don't get very intense in  this one.  But they do sometimes.  I was just too lazy to actually look for one where they were intense.  :)  [or in tents  ;)  ]

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to... Not Lose your Remote.

Recently someone gave my sister a TV to take to college, which she ended up electing not to. It has a built in DVD player, and is a decent size.  Instead of storing it in our basement, I took it to my room.  :)   So I now have a TV I can leave on and watch ALL THE MOVIES.  or make a dent in them.  

(Emma - I just totally thought of you with the, 'all the movies'  seeing as it is your goal)

So naturally I watch them from my bed.  Because it's a great place to spread all my stuff out and work and be comfy.  I kept burying the remote,  Or didn't know where it fell. 

*if only I had a leash*  I thought. SO I made it!  :)

Here's how!

Supplies you need:  remote;  yarn or string or something else to tie around it; and scissors. 

This is where I will be attaching the remote to.

I took the yarn, and wrapped it the remote, and tied a knot, pictured below.
Sorry the front is blurry,  I don't feel like retaking it.

I made a loop (pictured above)  and then placed it on the latch (pictured below).

I pulled down on the string, so it became tight.

And there we go!  That is how I made the leash for the remote.  :)  sorry I don't know how to rotate this last picture,  it was rotated before I uploaded it!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh My Goodness!

I was just checking other people's blogs,  catching up on my reading.

and OH. MY.  GOODNESS.  natalie over at A Moment of Wonderful mentioned my name! 

SOOO  exciting!  :)  I can't believe how exciting that would be to see! 


But for cereal.  This is the post! I'm sorry if this seems really nerdy or lame,  but It's crazy being mentioned!  Crazy Awesome!!!!  :D

P.S.  this is my Third post of the day.....  CRAZYNESS!  

Thankful Thursday!

It's Thankful Thursday once again!  :)

 I got the idea from Natalie over at A Moment of Wonderful.  It is a good idea to remind yourself what is good.

  • Netflix - why are there so many good shows to watch
  • Libraries - you get to see all these movies for FREE!!!!  my favorite price!  :D  And I get to see all these films for free! 
  • Dishwashers - I HATE HATE HATE doing dishes by hands.  Thank goodness that we have a dishwasher to do the actual washing.
  • Friends - I will always be so grateful for them.  I don't know where I would be without them.  They are so amazing. I have no clue how they put up with me.  
  • Cody - My computer had a bit of a trouble,  and he was there and answered all my questions and put up with my panicking.  He is a lifesaver.
  • For the clever people who invented these awesome window stickies that cover your whole window pane,  and make it look like frosted glass (or whatever pattern you pick out). I have put it on the window next to my bed,  so I do not ruin the blind with my pillow collection, or my tendency to snuggle up against a wall when I sleep. :)

Guinea Pigs

As Promised, Here are the pictures of my brothers guinea pigs.

I made my brother give my the phone number of the vet, and I called them up and an hour later we were on the way to the vet.  They are so click and efficient when clipping their nails.

This is Lucy in her bin.

And again Lucy in her bin.

This Is Sherman (like the tank).  I didn't realize i didn't get his whole head in the picture so...

 Here is a picture with his whole head!  :)

They are so cute and nice and cuddly.

People came into the waiting area and admired them. thinking how cute they are.
But now they have short nails and are as well as ever.  :D

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

32 Days left! Yay!!

So today is Sexual Wednesday.   :D

I realized this yesterday, and went to watch last weeks episode of Jenna Marbles. If you haven't seen it yet, WATCH IT NOW!!!

Silly penis boys.  Not knowing all these things.

But After I watched it, I decided to upload my pics of going to the vet yesterday, where our guinea pigs got their nails clipped.

Well.  My phone doesn't connect to any computers, so I took out the SD card and put it into this card adapter I have. I connected the adapter to the computer, and the computer wouldn't register it at all.  

So I took the Card out of the adapter, and there is a built in card reader into my computer,  though I never use it because I had a bad experience with it once. I tried it again last night, and it was difficult.  It would work.  Then I tried to make it fit.  Then it ate my card.  Like literally ate it.  So I took my computer apart today and got it back.  :)  yay!  Now I feel that I can confidently fix something inside of my computer if it goes wrong. I can replace pieces parts.  and take off the keyboard, and all of the pieces on top.  And I can take out and replace the drink holder that is built into the computer.  (the drink holder being the CD player)

So by tomorrow I will have the pictures of the guinea pigs up.  :)  along with some other cool news I have. 

Later Gaters!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Babies are so cute!

So I'm sitting here in Panera,  Just sippin my coffee and going thru Pinterest.

And I have been pinning everything onto quotes, or so I have thought.  Turns out I have been pinning a lot of things onto my funny board.  Whoops!  

Life goes on.

But I'll be removing the quotes I post on my blog.  Once they are posted on said blog.  :)  

So there is an FYI to those who wish to know that.  Get my quotes while you can!  haha.

Why did I choose the title of this blog you ask? 

Well that is because across the area, at another table is a couple  who have this cute baby.  and the way he got everything for her as she was feeding the baby.  It was simply adorable.  :)

So short and not full of info.  But that's what I'm feeling right now!

P.S.  I know I blog for me.  But damn,  I have a lot of pages open to different people's quote pages, looking thru all the quotes and repinning what I like.  This seems like a lot of work, but its work I like.  Thankfully.

P.P.S.  I keep getting annoyed at people who have over 100 pins on a board.... and I have close to 300.  I'm clearly a hypocrite.  Oh well.  :)  Life goes on.

P.P.P.S.  So Now I have only ("only")  30 boards left to look at.  As of right now.  Not to say I might not aquire more.  But 30 to go.  The one that has the most is 11k+ pins.  The least has 25. 

So. Much. Fun.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


So for the past hour, I have been catching up on everything I had not been keeping up with on dear Pinterest  Or as some  (like my mother) like to call it Pin-Interest.

They have so many loverly quotes on it!

Which is mainly what I pin.

Well, along with jokes.

and Halloween costumes

and cute things
and disney princess stuff
and fonts
and food and drinks
and things I want to have in my future home
and Harry Potter pics
and health and beauty stuff
and idea's of what to make postcards look like
and phi sigma rho stuff
and things I have made
and Things I want to do or want to make
and things  I want bought for me
and When I am  'Friggin Rich'  the thing's I'll buy
and rainboots.

So I just have a few things pinned on it.  haha 

But I started looking thru because In about a week I will need more quotes for my newer blog I have begun to keep.

Just  a place to keep all the quotes I find.  I always give photo credit, if I find it on the internet within the past 6 months.  I have some saved from forever ago that I didn't have the credit to post where I got them.  :(  But If they ever contact me, I am more than willing to fix that!

Well,  That's it for now.

P.S.  35 Days until my Birthday!!!  YAY YAY YAY.  I can remember when I posted this post and it felt like forever until the big day!  Now its so close and I don't think it could come any sooner!  :D

P.P.S.  I learned how to clean the greasy stove vent today.  :)  just boil it in water with baking soda in it

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Snow! :)

 Now that its mid-August,  the heat is starting to get to be too much (I know it isn't terrible,  but I love fall so much!)

So here are some pictures of when we came home after church on Saturday.  My mom wanted to take a picture of the three of us to see how tall the pile of snow was. 

In this picture you can see my dad shoveling (kinda) in the background.  The shoveling is the shovel in teh back. My dad always shovels even when there is just a wee bit of snow on the ground so it doesn't ice up.  And when it is snowing, every so often he will go and shovel to keep it from piling too high and making it terribly hard to lift then.
 ^clearly we were totally ready for that photo.   And wanted to do that....

^This is the picture of the three of us, Jack, Veronica, and Myself. It isn't great.  But We were forced to do that.  It made my mom happy.

:)  That is all for now

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pictures?! Washington DC

I have been looking at pictures more.  And decided I would like to write about them, while I can kinda still remember what was going on that day.  I might do a photo dump.  Or just post a pic and tell you about it.  :)  We shall see!

It's more like a filler post when I don't quite have things to talk about.  So sorry in advance if you find those boring!  But you'll get to see some lovely memories of mine!  and some fun times I have had.

But we shall begin with one.

On our way back from Virginia, My mom wanted to stop in DC.  So we did. 

I just think this is a cool picture, with the capital and the clouds.

I think this was the summer after 10th grade. So in '07


So I've been talking about trimming my bangs again.  I've done it twice before.  But I've been procrastinating for about a week now in actually doing the deed.

Last Night I finally did it!  :)

Once I was almost done,  I looked down at the sink (I cut them over it so there's an easier clean up,) and this is what I saw:

I know it probably doesn't look that impressive to you, and the lighting is poor, but first thing that popped into my head is, Whoa!  I did not just cut off that much hair!

But it was.  And my bangs look pretty ok.  :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

 So I like Reading other people's Thankful Thursdays, and I think its really awesome.  And it is always good to remember what you are thankful for.

  1. For my friends.  I don't know if I could ever put into words how thankful I am for them.  I don't understand why they put up with me.  They are truly great people
  2. Netflix.  Well,  it's more of a love hate relationship.  I love being able to watch tv whenever I wish.  All the documentaries are so cool to watch. 
  3. Tea. Who ever had that crazy idea to put leaves into hot water,  Thank you.  I love drinking tea.  My favorite brand is Lipton.  Recently I have been boiling a pot of water with three bags of decaffeinated tea, and some sugar thrown in.  It is sooo yummy!
  4. For being able to wear heels again.  I have missed them so much!  And I have too many cute ones not to wear them! :)
  5. For my sorority.  Phi Sigma Rho.  I love all my sisters wholeheartedly.  Without them, I don't know where I would be.  
  6. Cars.  It is so nice to be able to travel  quickly.  Imagine if we had to walk every!  The world would be a much smaller place.
  7. For you who read this blog!  Thank you for honoring me with your time!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Picnic Game

About a month ago I went down to Kings Island. And when you go to an amusment park, there are a lot of lines you have to wait in.  And I hate just waiting there silently.  Which ends up in games being played!

Hannah Introduced me,   well, reintroduced me to the picnic game.  Where you go around and you say I'm going to bring something begining with each letter of the alphabet. The first person says an item with A, the next repeats a, and says b.  Then the third says a, b, then c. So on and so forth.  :)

So we played a game.  And I thought I would share what we are bringing on our Picnic because it is so rediculous.

Key:  Lydia, Hannah, Nick

  • Applesauce
  • Booze
  • Cocaine
  • Drill
  • Elephant
  • Feces
  • Gorilla
  • Hannah
  • Ipicac
  • Juice
  • Kalidiscope
  • Lydia
  • My mom
  • Nail
  • Octopus
  • Penguin
  • Quill
  • Ratatoui
  • Snake
  • Trantula
  • Umbrella
  • Venom
  • Woodpecker
  • Xylophone
  • Ying-Yang
  • Zebra

As you can see, Nick comes up with the most.... interesting items to say the least.

But if you want to come to our picnic, if it ever happens (which on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being very likely,  I would say its -1000000,)  It will basically be like going to the zoo. 

Until next time!

Hope you stay warm in this cooler weather! (it's only 65 degrees right now! gah!)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


So Finally, after a couple weeks, I finally have my computer up and running! 


And what happened you might ask?  
Well, Let me tell you. 

My one friend is really into the site 4chan, which is basically like reddit, but don't tell anyone I said that comparison. Apparently, the two of them are like rivals or something.  whatever. But He runs Linux as his OS, so when he restarts his computer, its like starting brand new - it deletes all the malware and spyware and cookies and everything when you restart it.  SO he sent me a link to the science board on it, and i naturally got curious and scrolled thru a few more, and clicked on something where I got some sort of malware onto my computer.  Through this piece of malware, I acquired more viruses.  

I eventually removed the malware, and Thought i removed the majority of the viruses.  But symantic kept popping up that it has found these .tmp files.  Which I tried to delete, but couldn't. 

So in trying to solve my problems, I downloaded like 4 more antivirus/antimalware programs.   One of them is called Avast!  and it was so annoying.  It kept popping up these notifications and was just a pain in my butt.  So to uninstall it you had to download this .exe file, then proceed to start your computer in safe mode.  My computer of course wouldn't comply, and It took forever to start in safe mode, of which I didn't even start it in safe mode, It was safe mode with networking.  But I was able to uninstall Avast!.  And then i started looking for all the .tmp files Symantic kept finding.  It turns out there were over 64 thousand different files.  All basically no bytes at all.  But in safe mode I was able to delete them all and get rid of them.  

So my computer is finally safe and can run properly (so  I think).

And that is the tale of my stupid computer, that I love so much.