Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to... Not Lose your Remote.

Recently someone gave my sister a TV to take to college, which she ended up electing not to. It has a built in DVD player, and is a decent size.  Instead of storing it in our basement, I took it to my room.  :)   So I now have a TV I can leave on and watch ALL THE MOVIES.  or make a dent in them.  

(Emma - I just totally thought of you with the, 'all the movies'  seeing as it is your goal)

So naturally I watch them from my bed.  Because it's a great place to spread all my stuff out and work and be comfy.  I kept burying the remote,  Or didn't know where it fell. 

*if only I had a leash*  I thought. SO I made it!  :)

Here's how!

Supplies you need:  remote;  yarn or string or something else to tie around it; and scissors. 

This is where I will be attaching the remote to.

I took the yarn, and wrapped it the remote, and tied a knot, pictured below.
Sorry the front is blurry,  I don't feel like retaking it.

I made a loop (pictured above)  and then placed it on the latch (pictured below).

I pulled down on the string, so it became tight.

And there we go!  That is how I made the leash for the remote.  :)  sorry I don't know how to rotate this last picture,  it was rotated before I uploaded it!

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