Friday, August 2, 2013

Is this Person a Bad Friend?

As some of you might know, I love Thought Catalog .  Looking at the latest thoughts, I came across this thought:
6 Ways to Figure Out if Someone is a Bad Friend
I have been considering if I wanted to remain friends with some of my friends I had made in high school.  I came across an article at an ideal time in my life.  It makes it a bit more obvious as to if I should remain friend with them. 
 1. You are constantly making stupid decisions when you are with your friend.
  There are some friendships where you need to make stupid decisions.  Or at least once make a stupid decision together, because it's fun.  It makes a good story.  It's just crazy. You need to make some bad choices.  You need to make a mess.  I like the quote, "the bigger the mess, the more fun was had."  Sometimes life just needs to be messy to be fun. 

 2. You are always expected to put your life on hold for your friend.
Whenever my friend wants to do something, it is inexcusable that I have something going on.  This is even when I  am often the one who asks to do things, or offers to make plans or arrange things.  she always talks about how she is too busy to hang out with any of us, or me.  Then I hear about how she always hangs out with her boyfriend.  Which is fine and all.  But don't say you have no time when  you're just not interested in hanging out.  That is a very different thing than being busy.    And if she needs something, she expects you to be there for her.  But a prime example  her not returning the favor is when my dad had cancer. 

3. But your friend is never there for you
Ha!  she was never there for me.  My dad had a very rare cancer, only about 150  a year get this type of cancer.  Not to mention the area where it was is just a rare place to get it.  Luckily we live in a location where there are a bunch of doctors who are amazing.  But honestly.  To never be there.  To never ask how he is doing.  To never ask if I was ok.  That just isn't how a friend should act.  My friends (and sorority sisters)  while they were 10 times the distance away. They were able to help me out.  They were there asking if I was ok.  And even though they weren't able to physically be there, they got me an animal from biuld-a-bear.  Which is corny.  But I love it.  They made it for me.  It's the thought that counts. Also, When i  had something big happen to me, that was very negative, I was unable to to talk about it.  And That was what initially made me never trust them. 

4. There's an unhealthy competition between you.
She likes to brag about how cheap she is and how much money she saves.  it's annoying and no one cares.  She goes on and on about how  much she doesn't care and how cheap she is. But no one cares.  She just goes on and o n .  And she talks about her life like it's so complicated and  hard.  She CHOSE to be a teacher.  she doesn't like the paycheck.  She isn't a huge fan of some of her kids.  She doesn't like the living situation.  But that is all she can live off of. Because she chose this life.  She always feels the need to say how tough her life is.  How hard she has to work for her life.  And such things. How she has to get up early, and can't do anything. 

5. Their advice seems suspect.
her advice is based upon what is best for her.  And what's the cheapest.  That shouldn't be how you decide what your advice should be based upon.  If someone asks me for advice, you should say what would be best.  Not what is best for her. 

6. You make excuses for all the shitty things your friend does to you.
  I am done making excuses for her. She's a shitty friend to me, and I don't deserve this. I deserve much better.

Well.  It looks like I just talked myself out of friendship.  But was this truly a friendship?

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