Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unexpected Suprises

So I had a class today thats super dumb.

We met in the library, cuz we needed to use the computers.

I didn't even talk to pale boy.  I didn't talk to much of anyone untillllllllllllllll Dennis sat next to me.  He's such an amazing person.  He's cute. and wow.  he's absolutly amazing.

He moved here from New Jersey.  Holy crap.  Just up and moved cuz e didn't like his life.  He goes to school till noon monday thru friday then works from 1-10.  But he loves his job.  Which is good.  Which his job is pretty awesome.  he teaches women to ballroom dance.

He says he did the math once, and its basically 80 dollars an hour.

"I can't believe I ask these women to pay me 7,000 a year to take lessons from me"

holy shit.  how insane is that.

And he's ChemE and likes to talk.  He directly said that he hates it when girls are super fake.  He's such a weird cool guy.  I can't wait to sit and talk with him during my next class.


lovin' it.

1 comment:

  1. Update on this guy:

    He ended up not being that cool a guy, very clingy and unsure of himself. He was unable to do any class assignment without asking me about it, or texting me. Eventually I got his email, and it was a very... interesting email address. Kinda Girly. And then the pieces began to fall together that I think he was gay. Not that it was a problem or anything, its just he was not able to anything by himself. And he ended up only talking to me when he needed something. Not my kind of friendship.
