Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pentacle & Phi Facts

So I was going through some of my old papers, and I found a list of facts about pentacles!  I know I enjoy facts, why not share them?
I think I gathered these from the Da Vinci Code. 
Pentacle Facts:
  • Assossiates with Nature Worship
  • The ancients envisioned their world in two halfs, masculine and feminin.  When balanced there is harmony, when not in balance there is chaos.
  • The planet Venus makes a perfectpentacle every eight years
  • venus and herpentacle become a symbol of perfection, beauty, and the cyclic qualities of sex.
  • The eight year cycle was used to organize Olympic games
Phi Facts:
  • Is considered to be the divine proportion, 1.618
  • Is the number of female bees to male bees in a honeybee community.  [f:m=1.618]
  • Apparently its the ratio from your Shoulder to fingertips : Elbow to fingertip
  • Hip to floor : Knee to floor
  • head to floor : Belly button to floor
  • In a pentagram the lines automatically divide themselves in the Phi Ratio.

 Well.  Sorry if this isn't that fun.  I just needed to get them out of this book.  And I do like them.  Feel free to add more facts if you know any!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Road Trip!

Ha.  I wish  I was going on one!
Some of my family is going to Baltimore, then Washington D.C.  Super jealous.  Though not of the road trip part - I kind of have an excellent case of motion sickness.  
BUT - If you are planning on going a road trip soon, I read this article on Thought Catalog called, '9 Ways to Guarantee Your Road Trip Won't Suck'.
I hope this makes your road trip a little more enjoyable!
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What is Poking all About Anyways?

On facebook you can poke another person.  To which I would like to inquire as to the purpose of when one pokes another person, using facebook. 
I know when I poke Mara, it's just no big deal. We're just goofing around. 
But when my ex, aka, the Boy pokes me - I just have no clue what is going on in his head.  Before we started to date, this is how he began to flirt.  This past Sunday was his birthday, and he decided that his birthday was the ideal day to poke me.  So naturally I was wondering what should I do?  I wasn't planning on wishing him a happy birthday.  I wasn't ready for that.  But he initiated contact with me.  So I texted him, 'Hey. Hope you're having a good Birthday!'  He never responded.  Naturally that annoyed me. Why don't you respond to me?  You're the one who initiated contact today.  Why do you not text me back????
So I decided to poke him back, and then messaged him, "hey! Hope you're having a good Birthday!"  That's two exclamation marks.  So much more exciting.  haha.  But he eventually said 'thanks' to it.   I decided that was an inadequate response. In hopes of making him feel awkward and try to force him to start a conversation, I said 'No Trouble.'  Sadly that tactic did not work.  he did not talk to me the rest of the evening. 
Monday Morning he began poking me.  Naturally I cannot let him win.  So I kept poking him back. Because he cannot win.  But what if this is him flirting with me again?  I cannot date him again.  Well.  I Shouldn't.  I am tired of being alone though.  And he is so nice... and comfy.  And fun.And I miss making out with him. It was fun. BUT, lets be reasonable here.  Religion, well better stated, his lack of religion is a serious issue for me.  And I don't think he is comfortable with me having faith. That isn't a great equation fora goodlong relationship.
Silly logic.

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Mean Girl's Quotes

If you're like me, then you LOVE Mean Girls
of which, did you know it came out in 2004?  whoa.  Time flies.
But  A marvelous collection of the top 40 Mean Girls' quotes can be found here on this page!
Additionally, here is the 10 best ones to use on a day to day basis!
Of Which, When I visited my friends in Dayton a couple weekends ago, I helped volunteer at this thing my sorority was doing as a group.  I was giving advice and talking to people when Holly exclaimed that:
Which was so true.  And hilariously accurate.  Perfect usage of that phrase.  And that phrase was continuously used for the rest of the weekend.
May your day be happier!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Talking about... The D.

This past weekend I was messaging my drunken best friend Matt.  It was around midnight.  Earlier in the evening we were talking about his ex girlfriend, and how when they broke up I was friends with both of them.  But now My loyalties are only with him, if he wanted to ask anything.  To which He decided to begin asking questions about that at midnight.  
Sometimes he is just so poetic. He messages me, 'Does she want my d? That be fun. her sister is hot too.'  and naturally I, in hopes to make this conversation to awkward to go on, refer to 'd' as his dick[which he was obviously insuating] and go on to tell him the sister is jail bait.  And as the conversation keeps going on, and he asks about different people wanting his 'd'  and eventually I get fed up with him refering to his dick as 'd' and ask why he does so, all I got was 'Cuz its quicker.'  That's lame. 
But I found that confusing.  And weird.  
But with that story having just happened in my life, I found these tweets to be amusing.  I figured a laugh is always appreciated. 

Hope you have a wonderful night and a marvelous tomorrow!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Orthodox Facts

I have been doing some research, after somehow managing to get on the topic of suicide with my Catholic friend.  It made me curious as to what my church, The Orthodox Church in America, has to say on that subject.

Here is where I found this info

Birth Control

The possible exception to the above affirmation of continuity of teaching is the view of the Orthodox Church on the issue of contraception. Because of the lack of a full understanding of the implications of the biology of reproduction, earlier writers tended to identify abortion with contraception. However, of late a new view has taken hold among Orthodox writers and thinkers on this topic, which permits the use of certain contraceptive practices within marriage for the purpose of spacing children, enhancing the expression of marital love, and protecting health.

'mixed marriage

Though the Church would prefer that all Orthodox Christians would marry Orthodox Christians, it does not insist on it in practice. Out of its concern for the spiritual welfare of members who wish to marry a non-Orthodox Christian, the Church will conduct a "mixed marriage." For this purpose, a "non-Orthodox Christian" is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, or one of the many Protestant Churches which believe in and baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity. This means that such mixed marriages may be performed in the Orthodox Church. However, the Orthodox Church does not perform marriages between Orthodox Christians and persons belonging to other religions, such as Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any sectarian and cult group, such as Christian Science, Mormonism, or the followers of Rev. Moon.

 Other christians

First, it has meant that Orthodoxy has sought to influence other churches, primarily through the ecumenical movement, to renounce systematic proselytizing programs. The opposition to such organized "sheep-stealing" programs has been generally accepted in the ecumenical movement and they are not now widely practiced.
Second, the Orthodox do not themselves practice "proselytism" in the sense that they do not actively seek to cause the disaffection of others from their non-Orthodox Christian faiths. This does not mean, however, that anyone seeking to learn about the Orthodox Faith will be turned away. Converts are not readily accepted unless they learn as much as possible about the Orthodox Faith before they make a decision to join it. Following instruction, close examination, and the expression of strong willingness to convert, they may be received into the Orthodox Church, some merely by declaration and repetition of the Creed, and others (the majority), by means of the sacrament of Holy Anointing (Chrismation).
Third, if an Orthodox Christian is formally received into membership by another (non-Orthodox) Church and receives Holy Communion in that Church, he or she becomes an apostate (apostates). Such a person is not considered to be an Orthodox Christian any longer, and may not receive Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church, nor serve at a baptism or wedding as a sponsor. Should such persons seek to return to the Orthodox Church, they are received back into the Church through a profession of faith, and the sacrament of Chrismation.


Suicide is the taking of one's own life. The Orthodox Church has, over the centuries, taught that we do not have the right to take our own lives, since life is a gift from God which we are called upon to preserve and enhance. Hence, the Church considers direct suicide, when a person destroys his or her life with his or her own hand, to be the most serious kind of murder, because there is no opportunity for repentance. The canons and practice of the Church thus prohibit a Church burial to a person who has committed suicide. However, if it can be shown that the person who has committed suicide was not mentally sound, then, upon proper medical and ecclesiastical certification, the burial can be conducted by the Church. In cases, however, where the deceased held a philosophical view affirming the right to suicide, or allowed despair to overcome good judgment, no such allowance can be made.
Morally speaking, there is also the case of indirect suicide, in which people harm their health through abusive practices such as excessive smoking, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, and unnecessary risk-taking. The Orthodox Church teaches that we are obligated to care for our health, so these kinds of practices in fact are looked upon as immoral. However, they do not carry the same negative implications which the direct taking of one's own life has.

I decided to have this posted at the beginning of lent. What a better time then now to learn more about religion?

P.S. I hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's day!!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A List of [Some of] My Insecurities

I am an avid Thought Catalog reader.  and when I read this post it inspired me to do my own list of insecurities.  Maybe it will help you realize that you are not insane... or helps justify that you are insane.  ;)  depends upon your viewpoint of me I suppose.  Here we go!!
  • Am I being awkward?
  • Is what I am doing considered normal?
  • Will I even pass this class?
  • Does anyone want me
  • Why are my teeth so yellow now.  
  • Am I too clingy
  • Why does my body grow so much hair that I do not want.  Could it just stop growing once I remove it?  That would be  so very nice.  I am so tired of removing the same hair in the same area's over and over again.
  • Why are my hands so sweaty.  Other people's hands are not so sweaty. Why are mine. 
  • Can everyone see how much acne is on my face? 
  • Do people think they are my friend or am I just wrong. 
  • My eyebrows are shaped weird. Will anyone notice
  • Why can I not cut my bangs straight...
  • While watching Desperate Housewives, is it weird that when the plumber died that that made me super upset about my grandma dying?  Is it so very weird. I suppose not. I hope not.
  • How can I loose weight better
  • Why can't I just be happy
  • Why are other people not safe drivers?  Are they going to crash into me?  Can you please just stay in your lane.... don't come over here...
  • Will I ever truly be independent
  • Why do boys not like me? Am I really so unattractive
  • Do I annoy people with how passionate I am
  • Do other people carry their phone's all the time.
  • Why cant I smile normal
  • Am I too Bitchy?
  • Why do my boobs look so weird.  Why can't they be the same.
  • Assuming the worst every time something happens... is this normal/
  • Does everyone else feel like a fraud and a failure?
  •  Why when something bad happens between me and another person do I assume it's my fault. 
  • Why are my bangs so greasy
  • is my hair three times the size it normally is?  oh goodness.  How do I make it smaller...
  • does everyone else notice how my nail polish is chipped?
  • Do I watch too much TV? is that possible? 
  • Does my best friend think I am his best friend?  or does he think that I am just super clingy.
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Curious as to How Depression Feels?

An Anonymous writer on Thought Catalog wrote a lovely article about what it feels life.  Here is a link to it. 

I would recommend reading it.  Especially if you struggle to understand it about someone else. Or describing it to others.
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