Monday, January 28, 2013

Articles from Thought Catalog I would Recomend Reading

I am catching up on my readings from thought catalog, And I thought I would make a list of some that I enjoyed reading so much.  You would probably enjoy them too!

It is so very true.  Be it friends, or a real relationship.  Like a romantic kind.  ;)

If you don't like it, don't do it.  A very simple concept that is hard to obey. Read it, and you will realize some small changes you can do to make your life better.
I really need to stop doing #4.  There is no benefit to doing it and all I do is get annoyed.  I am looking for something to show he isnt doing well or upset.  But its not working so much.
This is so true.  Just talking to someone (#2 mentions the elderly in particular) can make a huge difference.  Sometimes a simple hi, how are you doing can make someone change their outlook. Or complimenting them.  Ill let you just read the list.  I highly recommend you do some of them. 
This is so very true.  If I wish to talk to you, I will answer it if I so desire.

I highly recommend you do it.  I have, and it makes life so much happier and easier.

They have some very good points.  Definitely good motivation to go alone. :)

Interesting thing to read.

there are some for now. It is highly probable I will be doing something similar in the future to it.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things About Me

So I like to find these different challenges.  There is a tumblr account called Heck Yeah Tumblr Challenge.  I found this challenge there, and Here is what I chose to make out of it!  :) 

  1. Complete this: I am a person who tends to Assume the worst. I always think everything is my fault and automatically think what the worst case scenario is and how to prepare for it.
  2. 5 things I like about myself (appearance)
    1. My Hair - it is long and brown, and I do my best o keep it healthy
    2. My Eyes - they are multi-colored. 
    3. My Nails - they can look pretty baller.
    4. My hands - they are shaped 'normal' I suppose.  They aren't weird.  and I like 'em
    5. My Teeth - After suffering so many years of braces and expander's and such they look pretty good.  :)
  3. 10 things I like about myself (personality)
    1. Caring
    2. sincere
    3. Helpful
    4. easy-going
    5. friendly
    6. anxious ...its supposed to be positive Lydia....  keep it together... well mannored
    7. logical
    8. honest
    9. protective
    10. trustworthy
  4. Complete: On a daily basis I think about what is going on, feel guilty, try to figure out what to do with my life.  Also I try to be happy and think positively. 
  5. You won 2 plane tickets. Where would you go and who would you go with - why.
    • I would go someplace across the globe and just live it up.  I would probably take Mara because she would embrace it and doesn't have any attachments, and will push me to have fun and do things I otherwise would not have considered
  6. 15 things you have on your room - why you have them.
    1.  I have 8 of Andy Warhol'spictures framed on my wall.  They are above my bed and I love the quotations.
    2. A Bamboo plant.  The residence hall I lived in my sophomore year of college had a dining hall attached to it.  Near the end of the school year they had bamboo plants in these vases.  WEel.  I may have decided to steal one... or two.  One for me and one for Mara. 
    3. A glass block filled with sea shells. When we went to kennybunkport, I had collect some chells and i chose to display them in a glass container.  
    4. Similarly I have a class jar, for lack of a better word, where i have sand dollars from the same location
    5. A cactus plant.  Because they're awesome
    6. Two orchid plants... that have no flowers.  I am not doing too well at maintaining their lives. 
    7. My paddle from when I joined my sorority, Phi Sigma Rho. I love it, and the friendship and support it has brought me.
    8. Dried carnations from my grandmothers flower arrangement  on her casket.
    9. A bunch of perfume ad's on my wall.  They look cool when displayed in such a way.  it is also interesting to see how different people advertise the same product.
    10. Blank greeting cards.  It is one of the ways I keep in touch with my friends who are far away.  Sometimes going old school is the best way to stay in contact.  It is just so personal, and means a bit more when you receive a letter.  And who doesn't enjoy receiving mail??  
    11. Henrick.  He is a stuffed monkey which my friends got me to be there for me when my dad was diagnosed with cancer.  It was so nice and I love having him. 
    12. I have books on a bookshelf. [crazy, I know]  The books are the ones I have enjoyed reading.
    13. A TV.  I enjoy listening to it while I am doing things.
    14. My Clarinet.  :)
    15. My Pin collection
  7. Complete: I am insecure, but I would like to change it and be more secure with myself and things I try to do.
  8. 3 things people don’t know about me.
    1.  if a happy, healthy person [on the inside] were to be operating at 100%, I feel like I am finally operating at 60% finally, compared to the 20% I used to operate at a year ago.
    2. I have been kicked out of someone's house
    3. I am much more open minded than some would initially think.
  9. What is the thing you enjoy to do the most? Why?
    • smiling.  Smiling is my favorite.  Well.  Being happy and being with friends. That is what I find most enjoyable.
  10. Complete: I care more about others than myself.
  11. Post a picture of you with 5 facts.  Sorry gang, I don't feel like finding a pic of me at the moment.
  12. 1 thing you dislike about you.
    •  That I am very anxious.
  13. Are you a negative or a positive person - Well, I think of the worst case scenario initially.  And think of how to prepare for it.  Then I hope for the best.  and I share the positive with others. So I am unsure what that defines me as.
  14. 20 things you like to do before you die.
    1. Do a mini bucket list.  I didn't feel like doing these.  #sorryimnotsorry

     photo lydsawkwardlifegmailcom-09_zpscb920196.png

    Saturday, January 26, 2013

    Stupid Boy.

    So I, like any other college student, am on Facebook.  And on the side of Facebook they have those lovely little ads that say so and so is using a certain a certain app, or likes a certain product.  Lately one ad in particular has been showing up.  I have modified it to respect the boy’s privacy.  As you will be able to tell if you are familiar with the product why I am so annoyed when I see it.

    He has been using Zoosk (click here for the link to the Zoosk website) lately, or so I have derived due to the ad constantly popping up.  And they pop up when someone recently likes them.  And well.  He is my only friend who has ‘liked’ said product.  And it has only recently been showing.  Aka after he broke up with me. (if you want the story of how he broke up with me,  click here)    So after seriously debating asking him to change his security settings, I figured out you can hide certain ads.  And I disabled the Zoosk one.  When you click on the disable button, there is a survey that shows, this one in fact:
     And you can see the last few words I typed.  Well.  That was the first thing I actively did that was semi-childish about the breakup.  Which is not that large of a childish action because it is probably anonymous and never will be read.  But this is the whole paragraph I wrote to whomever reads the other reasons as to why I unsubscribed to that ad:

    I do not wish to see that my ex boyfriend who broke up with me because he is "too busy" is suddenly using this dating app, zoosk.  And having to see he is using it all the time (it is usually the ad that pops up when I am doing something on facebook) is most upsetting.  Did I mention he broke up with me by changing his facebook status to single without talking to me first?  oh, I didn't?  well.  There we go.  So I don't mind seeing other people using it.  I just do not wish to see that The Boy  is using it [facebook username: I wrote his username here].  So this is why I wish not to see this ad, my bad, sponsored story about him.

    So this is my ranting about the ridiculousness that is this stupid boy.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  And I hope you found it mildly amusing or something positive.
     photo lydsawkwardlifegmailcom-09_zpscb920196.png

    Friday, January 25, 2013

    Gif's about Alcohol

    So, tonight I was pretty lazy because the only thing on my plate that has to be turned in is my homework for reactor design... which is due next Thursday.  So time to turn my brain off and surf the web!  Yay Internet!

    Here are some of the amusing things I have found,  and all of these are  thru #whatshouldbetchescallme  on tumblr.

    When I spot a full bottle of Jack

    When I am in my own personal Hell

    When I'm over Monday and ready for the weekend Already.

    When Someone asks why I drink so much

    When people ask me why I drink so much

    When someone tells me I should really cut back on the drinking

    When Someone Asks me Just how Much I Drink

     Jose Cuervo

    When I get way too drunk at my company holiday party

    When My friends are skeptical when I declare I won't pay for a single drink tonight

    When I consider trying to cut back on drinking for my new years resolution

    When I can't find my flask


    When A party runs out of alcohol

     when I try to make my friend feel better about not being able to drink because  she's on antibiotics for strep throat

     photo lydsawkwardlifegmailcom-09_zpscb920196.png

    Thursday, January 17, 2013

    Thankful Thursday

    [Thankful Thursday]

     hey There!!!  Here is this playful font called Catholic School Girl.  :)  I thought it would be fun to title this post with this cute font.  but here we go. It is Thursday, And I have not done thankful Thursday in a long while.  So here we go.  What I am thankful for.

    • Danielle and Jordan (aka J-dog) it is so nice having a group already established that I know we will work well together.
    • Reconnecting with high school friends.  Last night I met up with my best childhood friend.  I thought it was a lot of fun.  And now that she is back to living at home, because she graduated an is doing an internship she absolutely loves.  And Why not have more friends?  We have no qualms.  Just grew apart. So, Yay Friendship!
    • Understanding professors, and the staff of my department.  The secretary especially Becky.  She is amazing and so understanding and helps to talk things though with her. 
    • Getting  a parking pass so that I can park inside the garages!  I will be especially thankful when it snows, and I do not have to brush it off, and scrape the ice off.
    • Being 21 (that says twenty one, I know the number is very doodle-y).  Now I can actually drink alcohol! Yay1
    • Happy hour.  Cheaper drinks + broke college student = Happy Slightly more broke college student.  But Happyness is key.