Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday the 9th

So Friday I woke up around 8, but didn't go out till a wee bit later because I didn't feel like talking to my parents that much. Once I got up I had to interact with them.  Then play coordinate  my evening with Cassidy, (so fun).

Went to Class.  Had a sub.  He is pretty good, he reminded me of Ciric, So I am hoping to take a class from him sometimes.  It was nice to go over how to apply the momentum equation and find out pressure and such. 
Solidified the final details with Cassidy.

Took a nap.  Cuz naps are awesome and we were going to be out late.

Got ready [took a shower, dried my hair, then got dressed.  Didn’t have time for makeup, so started doing on my way to BW.  Finished my makeup in the car.  Somehow my eyeliner didn’t look like complete shit. A miracle I say.]  Arrived to BW and went to Akron with Cassidy.   We went to Subway to grab me dinner.  Cass finished eating her bar food.

Then we went to vortex, and saw many bands play.
·         The first band seemed like a high school band, this fact was exacerbated by the fact they seemed to think having a lot of feedback was awesome.  That was super duper annoying to listen to.
·         Then the next band i was particularly fond of. The singer sang nicely, but they liked to use screaming as the most popular way to communicate their lyrics.  But they all seemed well written.
·          The third band was called, Burning Down Broadway.  They were really good and apparently they’re becoming nationally recognized. They were enjoyable to listen to. 
·         The fourth was Vince’s (Cassidy’s…friend) band. His is called Turn Up the Stereotype.  They’re ok.  Nothing terribly special.
·         The fifth band, I LOVED.  It was called Cut the Ties.  And they were so loose when they played and just radiated fun, and did a most excellent job of singing. 
·         Sixth band was not good or bad, nothing really to report.
·         The last and seventh band was a Jesus-y band. That’s the reason they play.  Which is cool.  They were pretty good.  But it was like 115 when they started, so that wasn’t so awesome.
In between the sixth and seventh bands we took all their bands stuff to the van.  And we stood and watched the seventh band so we could bolt right after because it is so late.

Sometime in between the 2nd and  4th set I went to the bar to get a drink from the bartender.  He starts up a conversation.

“Enjoying watching your man play?”
“umm I don’t have a man.”
“oh! I’m suprized”
“yeah I’m just here watching my friend’s man play. And I really like listening to bands.”
“Had I known you were single, I would have started hitting on you then.”
“oh well,  Thank you anyways.” J
*awkward goodbyes and exit to the other room*

So that was fun.

Additionally a guy in Vince’s band is super cute and I think he is super duper cute.  Though Cassidy says he’s a Jesus freak.  But who knows what that really means.

Another thing that happened during the evening is that Vince was an idiot and didn’t give Cassidy the attention she deserved for having made it out there and helping him out and driving him around and shit.   Which is justified.  So they were fighting via text. Which made it super awkward.  Which the awkward got compounded on the way back to BW because it was Cassidy, Vince, and me. So life goes on.  I made awkward conversation the whole way home to help keep Cassidy awake due to the late hour in the evening.  And I know it sucks being the driver in silence for a long ride.

When I got home, jack was just laying on the couch asleep.  So naturally I woke him up and told him to go to bed.  Then he naturally protested and said he wasn’t tired.  So I stood there and waited for him to go back to sleep.  And he did.  So I tried making him go to bed again.  He said he wasn’t tired.  So I went to the bathroom and when I came back, he was asleep. Again.  So he finally agreed to go to bed.

Silly jack.

So then I went to bed.

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