Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So today.  Or yesterday too.  

My stupid partner just sits there while I program out our homework.  He has no clue what is going on.  He doesn't know what to do.  And he is going to attempt to analyze our data that we produced against an actual source (like not wikipedia).   Which I wasn't going to have him do because last time I had him analyze our other homework,  he did a terrible job.  He just restated all our values.  Then I woke up to the email with that information, and I got to retype everything and actually analyze all the data. That was an not fun morning.

And he tried to be helpful this week, within the past two days (sunday and monday)  but that was not helpful at all.  That really stunk. But I'll tell you the hilariousness of what had happened when I get home tonight and have my other phone with all the texts on it. :)

Now back to the grindstone!

(haha I hope you get that reference!  ;) )

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