Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am tired and school is just whooping my butt.  But I read this and it shows 60 different ways to improve your life.  One of the ways is to write a couple things you are thankful for each day.  And I figure this would be the perfect place!  :)  so hopefully next week there will be a list of things I'm thankful for from each day of the week.  

But this past week:

  • my family,  thank goodness they are not crazy like some other families.  That would stink if my parents were crazy.  :)
  • My friends.  They are amazing. 
  • Supportive classmates.  Thankfully they're helping me thru school.  And hopefully i will be helping them.
  • Solution Manuals.  They are so good  to check your answers with!!!  :)
  • Knowing ahead of time how my partner is going to be when doing my homework.   And having so many people reach out to me. :)


  1. Thanks for linking up! I totally agree with your first bullet family can have crazy moments, but for the most part, they are pretty darn normal...and I should probably be more thankful for that than I am! :)

  2. I wanted to reply to your sweet comment about "Happy" but your comments aren't connected to your e-mail (a must fix!).

    That was my favorite part, too! I LOVED how they interviewed that woman who was 106. It totally blew me away. I'm so glad you enjoyed the documentary, too! It put me in a happy mood for the rest of my week :)

    Happy weekend dear!
