Monday, December 17, 2012

Oh, I'm single again.

Here is the story of how it came to be:


things to know before you read:
  • I will not refer to the boy by name, he deserves some privacy
  • Danielle is my closest girl friend at my current school

 SO Here we go! 

Danielle texts me at 11:59,  “”Not to be a facebook creep but what???”

Why the hell did she text me that? I wonder what the hell is she talking about.  I look on facebook… and see:

[11:56 PM] [The Boy] relationship status is single.

Me: [12:00 AM] what. I don’t know.
Me: [12:00 AM] I just saw this.
Me: [12:00 AM] I dislike this greatly

I begin to type to him, deciding not to become all super clingy and act like this doesn’t really bother me but it clearly does because he was theoretically my boyfriend.

Me: [12:01 AM] ok. so i'm going to be a bit of my crazy self, but whats up with this you being single.

Back to texting Danielle…  [texting will be on the right,  facebook on the left]

Danielle: [12:02]  ”I don’t understand it.. just so random
Me: [12:03 AM] I don’t get it.  He’s not responding
Me: [12:03 AM] Its still there   [referring to the fact that the boy is still listed as single]
Danielle: [12:04]  It’s pretty immature

The boy keeps typing then he doesn’t send anything.  And I let this go on for a bit let him figure out what he wants to say.

Me: [12:04 AM] He was typing. Now he’s not
Danielle: [12:05]  Hmm
Me: [12:06 AM] I dislike this.  Greatly
Danielle: [12:07]  If its true its dumb

At this point I decide to message him again poking him for an answer
Me: [12:07 AM]  soooo...... whats up with this
Me: [12:08] yeah it is. I’ve asked what’s up with this.
Danielle: [12:09]  He at least needs to tell you..
Me: [12:09] He keeps typing and not saying anything

Me: [12:09 AM]  so i don't know if you're just typing and its not going thru, or if you just can't decide what to say
Him: [12:10 AM] Thinking
Danielle: [12:11]  He better say something
Me: [12:09] He said he’s thinking……..
Me: [12:12] that’s not good
Danielle: [12:11]  What does that even mean?

Me: [12:12 AM] about 
Me: [12:12] I don’t know
Him: [12:13 AM] What I'm going to say
Me: [12:13 AM] so, are you trying to break up with me 

Him: [12:14 AM] Not doing a very good job of it
Him: [12:15 AM] I was talking to my thesis advisor earlier and I'm a bit overwhelmed with what I need to do for this project
Me: [12:17 AM] so your answer to that is to break up with me 
Him: [12:17 AM]  Between that and my courses I'm just not going to have a lot of time for anything else
Him: [12:17 AM] I wanted to talk to you about this in person, but I didn't get a chance  
Me: [12:18 AM]  so you had a chance to list it on facebook first while i'm here on chat
Me: [12:18 AM]  really?
Me: [12:18 AM] you couldn't call me
Him: [12:20 AM] I'm sorry, this is not at all how I meant for this to happen
Him: [12:20 AM] I was trying to find a way to say I wanted to talk to you tomorrow
Me: [12:21 AM] whatever. I'm going to bed. Bye. 
Him: [12:21 AM] I'm sorry

After this, I am still talking with Danielle on the phone for a bit.  Then we hang up.  I talk to Mara.  She’s good.  It was so sweet. She offered to come up here and beat him up.  Which is a big thing for her.  Because she hates to drive. Lol.  Then I text Danielle saying I’m going to dress to impress the next day, also the last day of finals.  And we planned on going to the bar.  Which we went to a different bar.  Which he ended up being at.  But it wasn’t too awkward.  Talking to his friend in the hall on the way there was. But that’s another story.  I’ll post about it next.
Back to the story.

I decide to text him, saying what is on my mind.
Me: [12:49 AM] All I can say, is really? .really??? what the fuck. You know I’m understanding about school shit. And the reason why you used isn’t what really bothers me.  It’s the audacity that you felt the need to post that you’re single before actually breaking up with me.  Do you really hold me in such low regard? I honestly wouldn’t have noticed you posted it for a while. Danielle was nice enough to ask what was going on.  We’re not in 7th grade anymore. Yet this is what it feels like.  And it really hurts me you didn’t think it to be more prudent to talk to me before making you being single Facebook official.  Is there any other reason besides school?  I would just like to know. What did I do wrong?
Me: [1:15 AM] And since you get my texts, just delayed apparently, let me know  in some form that my long ass text went thru.  Please respect me enough to do that
Him: [10:49 AM] Hey I just got your long text
Him: [11:04 AM] Im sorry you had to find out that through facebook. you need to understand that yo udidnt do anything wrong. You're a nice person, but i realized that now is not the best time for me to be starting a relationship. I had no idea how difficult the upcoming year of classes/ research is going to be for me. Im really sorry about how things went down last night.

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