Thursday, June 28, 2012

Movie Projector

The other night, my family was outside sitting around the fire. My mom mentioned watching a movie. 

 We started talking about where would be a good place to hang a sheet.  I suggested the playset, because we wouldn't have to move and could still sit around the fire  My mom suggested the house because its flat and you can then lay in the grass.

Wait a minute.  Before we can even decide to watch a movie outside, we need a way to watch a movie!  

Aka a projector.

We have a overhead projector, like you would use in high school.

Then  that brought me back to my freshman year in college when i visited someone's house and we watched a movie through some projector one of the guy's had made.  I asked my Big, Candice, if she knew anything about it (she is dating one of the guys who lived in that house).  She didn't.  Only that one of the guys made it.  

So what do I consult to figure out how to make one....  Google of course!

Turns out, its not that hard to do overall.  I found this video on youtube, and they explain what you have to do.  It is something doable, and I plan on doing it... someday...  I just need a spare lcd moniter (or two) that don't matter if they get taken apart. 

Until Next Time!

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