Thursday, January 3, 2013

Declaration of Intentions

I follow other peoples blogs.  (obviously)  and One of the Blogs I very much enjoy reading is Natalie over at A Moment of Wonderful.  She had this lovely post where she declared her Declaration of Intentions for 2013.  She said she found it thru tumblr, and I googled Declaration of Intentions for 2013.  Upon looking in the images tab, I found the origional picture. I very much enjoyed this pattern, and the artistry.  So I looked up the creators name, Emily McDowell.  This is her portfolio.  She has some gorgeous items.  You can even purchase things from her ETSY shop!

I mean, her logo is just so cute!  Also, I think it to be clever.  

But Back to me. lol.  I want to declare my intention for this upcoming year.  Because somehow,  writing it out makes it more real.

This year I will do my best, be more honest with myself and others -- all while doing my best to be happy. I will let go of all the mistakes I have made, and the negative thoughts I have and embrace happiness, friendship, and all positive things. I will honor my my goals and commitments and love my self, no matter what. I will stand up and share my talents with the world! This year I will remember that I am loved and am enough.

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